FITBODY Profiles

Team FITBODY Fitness Photoshoots!

    Each season at the culmination of my 12 week FITBODY Contest Prep Team program, all of the women involved get to show off their hard work in their own exclusive Fitness Photoshoot!  Commercial advertising and fitness photographer (and yes, my husband!), Rick Lohre captures the most amazing images of these incredible women. Complete with makeup from Lyndsey Yeager of Glossa Makeup each women experiences what it is like to be on set at a magazine photoshoot.  This is always one of the women’s favorite parts of the whole team experience!  Here is a sampling of this year’s fitness photoshoot…

    Next FITBODY Contest Prep Team begins Jan 2014!

    Dana TaggartBethany Sarosy

    Tiffany Jones Stacy Hudson Amanda Wilson Melissa Jackson Melissa Cosgrove Marci Purcey Kristen Hayes Elspeth Polt Erin Pivonka Kalyn Friddle

    Amy Kelly Alena Wadsworth

    Katrina Miles Courtney Mackenzie



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