FITBODY Profiles

Julie Lohre’s Bikini Posing Guide Review

    Carrie Cushman recently competed in her first Bikini Show… the Granite State Bodybuilding, Figure and Bikini show and WON!  Not just that, Carrie’s story was picked up by several newspapers that did feature articles about her success!  Carrie shared with me that my Ultimate Posing Guide for Bikini was essential for her win! Check out Carrie’s Bikini Posing Guide Review:

    Carrie Cushman Bikini Winner Carrie Cushman Bikini Competitor

    Here is what Carrie had to say…

    Words cannot express my appreciation for all your help in preparing for my first Bikini competition!  Your Ultimate Posing Guide for Bikini was super!  Not only was it informative, you also were there to answer my questions.  Proof is in the results… I WON!  Carrie

    Congratulations Carrie!!!

    Bikini Posing Guide

    Julie Lohre Bikini Posing Guide

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