FITBODY Profiles

Stacey Grubbs

    Personal Information

    I am a 35 year old mother of 2 beautiful boys, and a photographer.  I have always been active in some type of activity, from cheerleading, basketball and track in high school and college.  After college I started working out in the gym and doing yoga & pilates.  And after the birth of my first child I became really interested in really getting tone and in shape.  A trainer at the gym I was at had mentioned that there was a new division in body building, bikini.  So I sat on that for awhile and continued to work out. But it was not until after the birth of my second child that I really thought I need to get moving with this before I get any older.  That is when I contacted Julie and she got me started!

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    Wow, there are a couple!  The fact that I am actually doing this, the tough workouts and diet.  For the first time I am actually able to do push ups the way they were meant to be done.  I still get so excited when I am doing them!

    Competiton History:
    NPC Derby Classic – Masters Overall Bikini Champ
    NPC Tricky Jackson – Open Bikini B 3rd Place
    NPC Kentucky Muscle – Masters Overall Bikini Champ & Open Bikini D 2nd Place
    NPC Mid Atlantic Grand Prix – Masters Overall Bikini Champ & Open Bikini D 2nd Place

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Stacy Grubbs NPC NKY Top 5


    My body has changed drastically!  I went from being skinny looking to have fabulous muscle tone! My biceps have gone up over 2 inches, my legs are tight and tone.  And for the first time in my life I have a butt!  I have made these changes in a 9 week period of time.  I definitely attribute my changes to a challenging workout routine and clean eating.  And most importantly having someone to ask every question possible I had about nutrition, training, everything associated with competing, you name it!  That is Julie!

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    The feeling you get after a hard work out, it’s a great sense of accomplishment!  And of course feeling healthy inside & out!

    What are your fitness goals?

    My goals at this point are to continue to compete, to get strong enough in my stage presentation and build a little more muscle.  Next year my goals are to compete and place in the top 5 at the Northern Show and to compete in the Arnold!!

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    I am definitely motivated by the results I continue to see with my workouts and diet.  I have suffered from IBS for over 15 years, and now since eating clean I feel great, like a new healthy person.

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    Oh wow, where do I start?  Julie is all around the best!  The very first time I talked to her she told me I would be ready to compete in 8 weeks.  And I am not going to lie, I thought she was crazy and that there was no way I would be ready to compete in 8 weeks.  Those 8 weeks came and I was ready!  My physique has just gotten better since!

    Julie knows her stuff, every aspect of it.  With Julie I have gotten so much that I know I would have never gotten with another trainer.  She has given me encouragement, has been there to answer every one of my questions I have had (and there have been MANY).   I can always count on her to be honest with me and point me in the right direction. It was such a great feeling to have her there at my first competition and to share that with her.

    I truly cannot say enough about her, my experience has been absolutely wonderful!

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?


    Favorite 'diet' food:

    Definitely UMP Protein Shake in Chocolate!

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share

    Although I have had the best trainer in the world, everything that I have been able to do, the discipline of the 4 a.m. workouts, the strict diets, everything is because of God!  He is the only way I could have done this!


    Erlanger, KY

    Although I have had the best trainer in the world, everything that I have been able to do, the discipline of the 4 a.m. workouts, the strict diets, everything is because of God!  He is the only way I could have done this!

    FITBODY Inspiration

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Stacy Grubbs

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Stacy Grubbs

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Stacy Grubbs

    Working with Julie

    Julie knows her stuff, every aspect of it.  With Julie I have gotten so much that I know I would have never gotten with another trainer.  She has given me encouragement, has been there to answer every one of my questions I have had (and there have been MANY).   I can always count on her to be honest with me and point me in the right direction. It was such a great feeling to have her there at my first competition and to share that with her.

    I truly cannot say enough about her, my experience has been absolutely wonderful!

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