Julie Lohre in the Press

Online Training Reviews

    Julie Lohre Online Training Reviews

    Julie Lohre Online Trainer for Women

    Have you been considering working with an Online Personal Trainer, but are worried just how personal” it can be?  Grab a coffee, sit back and check out the online training reviews for my program.  

    These are just a few of the hundreds of women I have helped reach their own fitbody over the last 15 years.  Sure I could tell you about how much weight they have lost or how much stronger, faster and fitter they have gotten…and I do in other articles, but here I wanted you to hear directly from them what they love about working with me.  

    You will NEVER work with an assistant or secondary trainer if you choose to allow me to be a part of your fitness journey.  I will be here for you every step of the way guiding, supporting, motivating and taking out the guess work.  If you are looking for an online trainer that will be committed to helping you become the best version of yourself, then look no further.  

    I hope these online training reviews give you an idea of what makes this program so special.

    Check out what Julie Lohre's clients are saying with their Online Training Reviews:

    Online Training Reviews

    You have given me self confidence I never had. I loved that you listened to my input and made this program perfect for me.  I went into this just wanting to lose some weight but came out with so much more. I feel so much better and am so much happier. This has been wonderful for my family also. My husband and I workout everyday together!  My 11 year old daughter has also taken an interest in working out too!  I love that I am setting a good example for my kids to be healthy and active. From the bottom of my heart I thank you! I could not be happier right now and I think your program has a lot to do with that. I feel confident that I now have the tools to continue a fit, healthy lifestyle!  Ali Simonson

    Katie Dougherty Online Training

    Julie Lohre is absolutely amazing and I couldn’t be more thankful for everything that she’s done for me. She has done something that I never thought anyone could do for me and in such a short amount of time. She was there supporting me every step of the way and made me feel like I could do this. Even when I had my doubts or just needed someone to vent to about my frustrations, she was there to support and guide me. I can’t wait for what is more to come with Julie! She is truly the best!

    Katie Dougherty

    Courtney Mullaney

    Julie Lohre’s genuine personality is the best part of working together in her Online Personal Training program because she truly cares about you as a person, not just as a client. She gets it. She has been there. When I have a hiccup, she acknowledges it, holds me accountable, and gives me strategies on how to be proactive when the situation arises again.

    Courtney Mullaney  Online Training Reviews

    Sarah Hnath Fitness Feature

    There are so many things to love about working with Julie Lohre in her Online Personal Training program but I’d say the best part is that she totally gets it and her priorities are completely in sync with mine. She has helped me meet my goals while still being able to enjoy delicious yet nutritious food, fun and varied workouts and most importantly without screwing up my metabolic system like many other “coaches” will do.

    Dr. Sarah Hnath

    Online Training Reviews

    The best part about working with Julie Lohre…All of it! Her Online Training Program is simply amazing! She is always so informative when you have questions, she wants to know what is working for you and what is not and when adjustments need to be made she makes them then monitors your progress with the change. I found that extremely helpful. Working with Julie was honestly life changing for me!

    Makayla Florence-Wallace

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Mindy Ryan

    Everyday I thank God that I had the courage…. and continue to have the determination to change my life.

    You’ve made this possible for me and you made it easy!  Trouble free training.

    Mindy Ryan    Online Training Reviews

    Jackie Calvert Figure CompetitorAt first I was skeptic of online training.  I wasn’t sure if I’d have the motivation required to really push myself, on my own in the gym. With Julie, she provides the motivation, support, and inspiration to obtaining your goals. The workouts and meals are flexible, so not getting stuck with the same thing is a relief. It’s easier to stick to, and follow. I plan to continue working with Julie for a long time. It’s the best decision I’ve made for my health!

    Jackie Calvert

    Amanda Wilson

    If you are on the fence about Online Personal Training for Women with Julie Lohre….DO IT! I have been working with her for a long time and she is amazing. The results I have achieved are incredible but most importantly I did not feel alone in my weight loss journey. She wants you to be the best you that you can be and she shows you how to make it happen. It is not a fast process, but you will change your life and body in a healthy way…it is so worth it!! DO IT!

    Amanda Wilson

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Helene Wilson

    There is something about working with someone that is destined to do what they are doing.  That is Julie.  She not only has the experience and knowledge – she still leads by example and never asks us to do something that she hasn’t done.

    Dawn Bonnett

    Julie is so honest and will answer all your questions no matter how repetitive they seem. Her training and nutrition plans are based on you as an individual according to your body type and fitness goals. She truly cares about you reaching your goals.

    Dawn Bonnett   Julie Lohre Testimonials

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Hyla Conrad

    The absolute BEST part about working with Julie is her knowledge and how she combines being an athlete and being a REAL PERSON! Sure the foods I eat are healthy, but she makes the training and foods work synergistically. It’s amazing how her training and nutrition plans turn your body into this well-oiled fitness machine! If you put in the work, she will deliver results.


    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Angi Lampkin

    Julie Lohre is a great motivator and she definitely LEADS by EXAMPLE!! She pushes you to be the BEST INDIVIDUAL that you can be and not what other people want you to be.

    Angi Lampkin

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Felicia Ferguson

    She is the most positive, knowledgeable and caring trainer I have ever met and she really knows her stuff!  She listens to you and wants you to achieve your goals as much (if not more) than you do.  Every diet and work-out are specifically tailored to your body and your goals.  Julie is the absolute best!  Train with her; you won\’t regret it!


    Talitha Meyer Online Training

    Julie is sooo positive, always in your corner, very truthful, encouraging, and committed to ANY goal you aspire to complete!  She will work with you in any sport, any arena, and nothing is outside her expertise.  She trained me during a few of my triathlons, she trained me during my coaching session with my middle school kids, she knows how to incorporate “life” into your plans. She is very flexible and always wants you to communicate what works what doesn’t work…she knows the importance of family, challenging days, and great days.  She also knows what it takes to compete if that’s your goal as well as just getting your family up and moving. I can’t say enough positives about our training time together. Talitha Meyer

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Danielle Smith

    There is not one best part – there are SO many best parts!!!  When I was looking to find one person who could help me with everything, be my mentor, advisor, inspiration, motivator there was no question that Julie was the one!!!  To have the opportunity to be able to call myself a client of hers is just the greatest honor.  I believe she is in a class all by herself and her knowledge and expertise and genuine caring nature is truly unique and can\’t be beat!


    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Jonelle Baglia

    Jonelle Baglia for Oxygen Magazine – “My role model is women’s fitness pro, Julie Lohre. I have worked with Julie preparing for my all 3 of my figure competitions and she is such an inspiration to me for different reasons. First, she is very passionate and compassionate about health and fitness and she applies her beliefs in her own life but also encourages so many women to instill healthy standards into their lives as well. Julie is also an accomplished competitor both in fitness and figure, obtaining her IFBB pro card as I desire to do. Also, Julie is a successful business women excelling in the profession that she loves, fitness.  I want to some day apply my degrees and be successful at it as Julie Lohre is!”  Jonelle Baglia

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Bess Byron

    Julie has been a true joy to work with!!  I know all of her clients feel the same way!!  She cares about us all and really knows her stuff!!  I am so thankful I found out about her because she is responsible for my fitness success!!  Being a part of her Fitbody Team has been such a rewarding part of my journey!!  I have met some amazing women and I know I have made some lifelong friendships!!!

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Gloria Switzer

     Julie actually cares.   She cares about each and every client as if we were family.  Yes, she wants us to look good but she is also concerned about our health, physical and mental.  She understands we are all individuals and we all cannot follow a “cookie cutter” diet and exercise plan.  She takes the time and gets to know us.  She knows our weaknesses and strengths.  She pushes us when we need it and she’s there to pick us up and wipe our tears when we fall.  I have never in my life met a more remarkable woman.

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Lauren Boehmer

    I love the laughs, smiles and encouraging words!!! I have had some much fun working with Julie Lohre. She has helped me become more confident in myself with her Online Personal Training for women!!!!

    Lauren Boehmer  Online Training Reviews

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Andrea Zylius

    Where do I begin?!?!?!? Julie is the best. From the moment I contacted her she was right there for me. We work as a team. If I email her a question, she responds right away. You’d think I was her only client! But I can guarantee that all of her clients feel this way about Julie. She really does care about my goals and helping me reach them. I can never thank her enough for what she does for me.

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Erin Rhoades

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…she’s one of my earthly angels. I’ve never seen someone with so much to be proud of, be so humble. Her idea of her girls winning, are the hours and dedication put in and the end result. Its not winning first place at a competition, its just reaching the goal of being the best you you can be. You will never find a more caring and supportive trainer…EVER!  Online Personal Training for Women

    Erin Rhoades  Online Training Reviews

    Video Reviews

    Online Training Reviews

    Online Training Reviews

    Online Training Reviews

    After reading Julie Lohre’s Online Training Reviews are you ready to take your fitness to a whole new level and committed to making your own online training transformation?

    In 2 training sessions, the average woman taking part in Julie Lohre’s Online Personal Training program DOUBLES the # of strict pushups she can do, decreases 1 mile run times by 2 mins, 30 seconds and increases their sit and reach flexibility by 3 inches.

    Results speak for themselves…
    Talk about stronger, faster & more flexible!

    Online Personal Training for Women

    Online Personal Training for Women

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