Mila Merrell

    Mila Merrell Masters Bikini Champion – Grandmother of 9 shows that at 55 you can become a Masters Bikini Champion!


    Union, Ohio

    Personal Information

    My fitness journey began five years ago at the age of 50. I am now 55 years old. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 35 years and we have 5 awesome kids and 10 grandchildren. I often get asked “how old are you or are they really all your children?” I do tell them, “yes they are all my children”. I was a stay at home mom until my youngest son graduated from high school. I started working outside the home and one day in 2011 my co-worker, who owned her own gym and was a personal trainer, asked me to train with her. I was hesitant but finally went to her gym and after a few months she asked if I wanted to compete in bikini competitions. I started competing and wasn’t placing very high one year later I found a fantastic trainer, Julie Lohre and my whole world changed. I am currently a national bikini competitor.

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    In the beginning I was very embarrassed to get in front of a crowd with just my bikini on and hated to be the center of attention. But, after my first competition I was able to do so without being so nervous and found that I liked what I was doing. I was proud of what I had accomplished during my training and especially proud of the fact that my husband and sons were also proud of me. At one of my earlier competition my second to youngest son shouted out “Way to go mom.” I later heard from my husband that everyone around them asked if that was really his mother. One of my biggest accomplishments is that I now feel very confident on stage and I am living a clean and healthy life.

    Competition finishes


    1st place in the Kentucky Derby 2015-50+ Overall Champion

    1st place in The Kentucky Derby 2015-50+

    3rd place in 2015 Masters National Championships Over 45

    6th place in 2015 IFBB North American Bikini Championships Over 40

    1st place in The Kentucky Derby 2014-40+

    4th place in NPC Nationals Pittsburg 2014-40+

    5th place in the North American Championships 2014-45+

    2nd place in The Northern Kentucky 2013- Masters

    2nd place in Kentucky Muscle 2012 Masters 35+

    5th place in The Kentucky Derby 35+

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    What I enjoy most about my fitness journey is that I am setting an example for younger and much older people around me, I hope that my healthy lifestyle inspires others to make positive changes in their lives.

    What are your fitness goals?

    My goal is to become a certified personal trainer and get my Pro card.

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    What motivates me to live a healthy lifestyle is how well I feel inside and out. I want to set a good example to my boys and grandkids and I hope through my everyday choices they learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    She is a fantastic individual! You feel and know that she is always looking out for you, I can ask her any question and she is quick to respond with an answer!

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    Absolutely none! Oh, except I don’t see her enough – she is absolutely fabulous!

    What is you favorite healthy food?

    Beverly International Ultimate Muscle Protein – UMP Banana Muscle Muffins 

    What I enjoy most about my fitness journey is that I am setting an example for younger and much older people around me, I hope that my healthy lifestyle inspires others to make positive changes in their lives.

    Mila Merrell

    Mila Merrell NPC Bikini

    Mila Merrell Masters Bikini Champion

    Mila Merrell

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