Lauren Becker

    Personal Information

    I am a 21 year old student at Butler University.  I started working out almost 2 years ago, but wasn’t getting the results I wanted.  I finally began doing more than just cardio and fell in love with lifting.  Eventually, people started asking me what I was training for.  I had no idea about competing, but after some research contacted Julie.  I wanted a goal to work towards, but did’t know how to accomplish that on my own.  I did Julie’s online training for a few weeks before the start of the contest prep team.  This was hands down the best experience of my life! I learned so much about fitness, nutrition, and myself.  Currently I am working with Julie in the Online Contest Prep Training program.

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    NPC Natural Circle Championships Overall NPC Bikini Champion and Class Winner

    NPC Derby Classic 3rd place Colliegate Bikini

    NPC Natural Indiana


    Over the past 12 weeks or so, I have dropped about 15 pounds, 6+ % body fat, and lost 3 inches off my waist.  I learned the importance of nutrition – you can’t outwork a bad diet!

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    I love the feeling of accomplishing a goal, and pushing myself to work as hard as I can.  There’s no way to cheat the process – you get what you work for.  It is very rewarding to see the changes over time.

    What are your fitness goals?

    My goals are to be the best that I can be! Whether on stage, in the gym, sticking to a good nutrition plan, or anything else, I want to be my best self possible.

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    I can’t stand being lazy! I always need to be doing something, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the perfect fit for me.  I know if I make excuses to skip my workout or eat unhealthy I will regret it later.  I feel accomplished once I meet my goals.  Eating nutritious food based on my plan from Julie made me finally feel healthy after years of stomach problems!  I am motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle because I feel a million times better than I ever did before and it is not worth giving all this up after so much hard work!

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    Julie is awesome to work with! She customizes your plan specifically to you. She always answered my emails right away no matter how many I sent 🙂
    I would not have been able to do this without Julie as my coach. The advice, mock competition, and plans I got from Julie are the reason I had the confidence to step on stage.

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    We only had meetings every 3 weeks… I wish they were more often!

    Favorite 'diet' food:

    I can’t pick one favorite! Julie’s protein pancake recipe, brownie recipe, sweet potato fries, rice cakes with peanut butter (+banana if on plan!)

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share

    If you are on the edge about whether or not to do this… DO IT! It was the best thing I have ever done for myself.  Yes, the physical changes are great, but the happiness and confidence you gain from the process is just as good.  I have learned so much these past few months and am excited to see what lies ahead!

    2014 NPC Derby Bikini Top 5

    NPC Bikini Competitor Lauren Becker


    Cincinnati, OH

    I love the feeling of accomplishing a goal, and pushing myself to work as hard as I can.  There’s no way to cheat the process – you get what you work for.  It is very rewarding to see the changes over time.

    FITBODY Inspiration

    Lauren Becker NPC Bikini

    Lauren Becker NPC Bikini Competitor

    NPC Derby Bikini Lauren Becker

    NPC Bikini Competitor Lauren Becker

    Working with Julie

    Julie is awesome to work with! She customizes your plan specifically to you. She always answered my emails right away no matter how many I sent 🙂
    I would not have been able to do this without Julie as my coach. The advice, mock competition, and plans I got from Julie are the reason I had the confidence to step on stage.

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