FITBODY Profiles

Summer Cocktail Calorie Bombs

    These maybe tasty mainstay summer drinks for some, but with super high calories and tons of sugar, they are  Summer Cocktail Calorie Bombs!

    Pina coladas are one of the worst summer drinks you can have: A mixture of rum, pineapple juice, coconut cream and brown sugar, a typical pina colada can contain approximately 650 calories.Pina Colada

    A mudslide is like a milkshake, but with lots of alcohol: Kahlua coffee liqueur, Bailey’s Irish cream and ice cream (and chocolate syrup drizzled on top). This tasty treat has more than 850 calories and about 20 grams of fat.


    Mojitos are a concoction of sugar, lime juice, rum and club soda. And we all know that sugar = calories. Mojitos typically contain anywhere from 220 to 240 calories per drink.


    Margaritas, made with tequila, triple sec and frozen limeade concentrate, can contain more than 800 calories if the concentrate is high in sugar.


    A strawberry daiquiri is a good way to consume at least 200 calories, if not more. Made with strawberry Schnapps, rum, lime juice, sugar and strawberries, the fruit is about the only nutritional value you are going to get in this drink.

    Strawberry daiquiri

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