FITBODY Profiles

Real Fitness Stories – Michelle Burke

    Real Fitness Stories Michelle Burke

    After trying my hand at two competitions, I can tell you that it amazes me what some women put themselves through.  I’ve overheard crazy things like, ‘I’ve been eating 1200 calories for over a month!’, ‘My trainer told me I needed to cut out my water the week before my comp.’, and ‘Does someone have fish in here [backstage]?!  I’m SO sick and tired of eating fish!!’

    During the first competition, I was too new to bodybuilding to truly understand some of these comments.  Who would do that to themselves?  Why are they doing it in the first place?  What kind of trainers do you have?  I simply shook my head and assumed it was that competition or a handful of gals backstage.  Little did I know, this is sadly the norm.  Women go to great lengths and usually unhealthy means to reach their competition goals.  

    For me, competing on any level (whether it’s Figure, a race or some other event) has always been a vehicle to keep challenging myself.  A friend of mine shared Julie Lohre’s information with me when I decided to compete for the first time.  I had whittled my physique down from a size 18 to a size 8 on my own largely through various diets and exercise plans.  When I started working with Julie 2 years ago, I really wasn’t sure what to expect.

    What I found truly surpassed my expectations!  Not only did I change my physique positively while removing cellulite (a feat I thought was completely impossible due to genetics), I learned to look at the scale differently and treat my body like a machine.  While this may seem strange to most, Julie helped me see that weight gain can be a positive experience (yes, that’s a mind blower, I know) and one’s body can perform at fascinating levels with the proper fuel, rest and care.  

    Julie Lohre’s approach is healthy and invigorating.  My husband loves what Julie has taught me and makes a point of setting aside the funds for me to work with Julie as he’s seen such wonderful changes in my health, my emotional state as it relates to my self-image and the flexible nature of her coaching.  She doesn’t use a ‘one size fits all’ approach and she tailors the planning and coaching when life throws curve balls.  

    I’m thrilled to have Julie in my corner and she’s been a blessing to me on my journey of health and wellness!

    Michelle Burke SurfingMichelle Burke Competition
    Real Fitness Stories
    Michelle Burke

    Ready to take the next step and to find out more about transforming your body in a healthy, natural way?  

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