FITBODY Profiles

Real Fitness Stories – Katherine Rose

    “Winning isn’t everything, but the effort to win is.”

    Real Fitness Stories by Katherine Rose

                What is winning to you? As a Fitness and Figure competitor winning to me means stepping on the stage bringing a better package than the show before. When you put the focus on being the better version of you, great things happen. Those days that you come up short of the number one spot, you sit back and realize this is the number one package you have brought thus far. When I take a step back, I want to know that I gave 100% from my nutrition, workouts and routine practice. Living a healthy lifestyle, and following an approach that won’t ruin my metabolism or health is what a winner is made of in my eyes.

                My idea of winning and yours may be different. Does winning to you mean getting in that 15 minute workout while your child is sleeping, fitting into that next size down dress, seeing the scale move in the direction of your goals, or even having a good nutritional week? Whatever your definition of winning is, go for it. Set a goal and don’t look back. Focus on a healthier YOU! Often times we get caught up comparing ourselves to the next person, or that girl in the magazine. I can assure you that fitness model did not “wake up like this”, she worked hard for it. Compare yourself to the person you were the day before and work a little harder each day. It is important to remember, everyone was a beginner at some point. Small changes will add up to big results. Patience is key, there is no quick fix.

                Living a Fitbody lifestyle has changed my life in many ways. In the past I was that person who was afraid of carbs, afraid of food and over doing it in the gym to reach that perfect physique. What I didn’t realize is I was going about it in a non healthy way. Being a competitor my entire life with gymnastics and cheerleading, I eventually missed being competitive. This is where team Fitbody came into play. Julie has taught me the importance of nutrition, water intake, each rep and rest & recovery. When you incorporate a healthy lifestyle and find a routine that works for you, you become unstoppable.

    Over the past 2 years of working with Julie I have learned to trust and realize she always has my best interest in mind. I am no longer spending hours upon hours in the gym, eating salads everyday, or being afraid to shine. I have learned to love myself again, live a healthy lifestyle and have fun while doing so. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we realize. Set a goal, push towards it every day, and find what makes YOU a winner. Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle, not one that makes you miserable.

    Katherine Rose Fitness Competitor

    Real Fitness Stories
    Katherine Rose
    Figure & Fitness Competitor

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