FITBODY Profiles

Protein Powder for Women

    Looking for the best protein powder for women? Look no further!

    Let me guess… you have tried tons of protein powders… most sat on your shelf for months with only a few scoops used because, well, let’s face it. They tasted terrible and you could barely bring yourself to choke it down. What a waste of money!  I want to introduce you to a protein powder that tastes so good, you will easily turn down cookies and cake – the perfect protein powder for women –
    Beverly International’s Ultimate Muscle Protein!

    UMP is an incredible tasting powdered drink mix made from the highest quality ingredients. Designed to help you lose bodyfat, gain strength & muscle and increase your metabolism.  Adding UMP to your daily meal plan will not only cut those sweet cravings, it will keep you fueled with the energy and strength for all that life throws at you!

    Ultimate Muscle Protein is uniquely designed to work incredibly well in recipes!

    Peanut Butter Almond Protein Pudding
    Ultimate Muscle Protein Pancakes
    Beverly No-Bake Protein Bars

    How: Ultimate Muscle Protein is perfect in place of a meal, between meals, and after training. UMP is ideal before bed, as it feeds your muscles a timed released supply of aminos, keeping you in a positive nitrogen balance while you sleep.

    Who: UMP is intended for use by healthy, exercising individuals 18 years of age and older.  Figure & Bikini Competitors, Endurance and Crossfit athletes, active stay at home moms, women on the go and other individuals who regularly engage in resistance and/or cardiovascular exercise can benefit from adding UMP to their daily diet.

    Note from Julie:
    Ultimate Muscle Protein is truly a staple in my daily nutrition plan.  I literally use Ultimate Muscle Protein everyday – I cook with it for my protein waffle or pancakes almost every breakfast.  I make high protein granola bars and banana bread for my family!  I credit UMP for helping me keep a lean, photo shoot ready physique year round.

    My favorite flavor is Vanilla because it is so versatile!  Being tempted by a cookie?  Please…  I can pass up any sweet knowing that I have my UMP!

    See what other’s are saying about Beverly International’s Ultimate Muscle Protein!

    UMP Is Excellent. I Can’t Believe That I’ve Been Taking Other Proteins for Years!
I am in the process of training for my first figure competition in May of next year. I placed my first order of your Ultimate Muscle Protein in Vanilla and Cookies and Crème. I cannot tell you how much I LOVE this stuff! The taste is excellent and I just honestly feel that this is the best product out here! I cannot believe that I have been buying other products for years now. I am totally SOLD on your products and I cannot wait to try others like Glutamine Select! I have been telling people to finish off whatever protein powder that they use and order yours! They will never go back! Well, I will end here. I never send emails to companies about their products… but in this case… your products deserved it.
Great job and thanks!”

    Jennifer G.

    “UMP is truly the best protein powder on the market! Love this stuff. I only wish it came in a 5lbs. container.”


    “Most delicious protein powder ever!  Taste is best part!!!!! Love COOKIES ‘N CREAM flavor especially! And I am just beginning to discover all the recipes that can be made using UMP! Like pancakes!”

    Connie A

    “I was worried that I might gain weight when I added in a protein powder, but I really needed something that helps curb my sweet tooth and keep my blood sugar even all day.  Not only did UMP help me feel great, I lost 10 lbs over a 2 month period!  I am tighter and more defined than I ever have been in my life!  And that is saying a lot at 38!!!  Ultimate Muscle Protein really is the perfect protein powder for women!”


    Julie Lohre Protein Pancakes

    Julie Lohre Yoga Pose

    Julie Lohre Online Personal Trainer for Women

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