Pam Dotson

    Personal Information

    Personal Information: I’m Audit Manager at a real estate development and land management company in Charlotte, NC. I’m 32 years old and enjoy working out, hiking, and being outside. I graduated from Clemson University with a degree in accounting, and I’m a CPA. I’m a big Clemson Tigers and Carolina Panthers fan.

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    Competitive placings:
    Carolina Clash – 3rd place
    Shannon Meteraud Fall Classic – 2nd place
    NC State Show – 2nd place
    Metrolina – 2nd place
    Carolina Supernatural – 2nd place

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    I enjoy how healthy I feel and the increased energy I have now. This whole transformation and new healthy life style has made me a more confident person. I’ve met a lot of really nice people at my gyms and at all the different shows. I’ve learned so much about healthy eating and exercise.

    What are your fitness goals?

    I want to continue competing, and hopefully get that 1st place finish, which has eluded me! I’ve even thought about becoming a certified personal trainer.

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    I just feel so much better now than I did a year ago. Now its a hobby, I have fun working out. And when friends, family, and complete strangers ask me how I stay in shape, or how did I get arms and abs like that, or what do they need to do, it encourages me to keep up the lifestyle even though it is hard work.

    Would you like to thank anyone?

    I want to thank Julie for getting me started and giving me direction. I’ve been working out for 6 years but never with any goals or structure, and a figure competition had never even crossed my mind. Julie changed all of that, just over a year ago! She’s been such a great help and inspiration, and I would have never walked on a figure stage without her guidance, motivation, and encouragement. I also want to thank Jan, Dale, Tracy, Julie & Mike, and my family for all their support whether it has been working out with me, cheering for me at shows, helping (forcing) me to keep my diet on track, or just putting up with me on those stressful days leading to competition! Also a big thanks to Dobie and everyone at REDS Athletic Club for all the help, support, and encouragement. Most of all I want to thank Gene for his support and encouragement, putting up with my mood swings, painting me for the shows, critiquing my posing, and just always being there for me with a big hug.

    Any other comments or anything else you'd like to share?

    I never imagined that competing could be fun, come on, that many females sharing one dressing room! Although its hectic, time consuming, and a lot work, it is still a rewarding experience, instills a sense of accomplishment in you, and you meet some really great people along the way. Even if competing doesn’t appeal to you, I would still encourage you to make exercising and healthy eating a part of your lifestyle.


    Fairview, NC

    With working out and eating right, I FEEL so much better than I used to!

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