Jackie Calvert

    Journey to the Figure Stage!
    Team FITBODY’s Jackie Calvert makes her dream of competing in a Figure competition come true!

    Personal Information

    I’m 31, I work as an Occupational Therapy Assistant at a Physical Rehabilitation Center. I enjoy most outdoor activities. My favorites include skiing, and hiking. I also love to bake and try clean versions of everyday favorites.

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    Overall competing in Figure, in general has been an accomplishment for me. As I continue working towards my goals in Figure competing I am improving and growing through my conditioning.


    I started working with Julie 7 months ago, and during that time I’ve made tremendous improvements on my physique. Almost immediately after beginning with Julie I noticed positive changes. The method of my structured workouts and balanced diet really helped to kick start my body towards my goals.

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    I like seeing the changes in my physique. Areas that I thought were my weakest are now my strongest. I enjoy the challenge of competing.  Having to push myself has allowed me to perform in ways I didn’t know I was capable.

    What are your fitness goals?

    My long term goal would be to earn a pro card in Figure.

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    I’ve been on the opposite end of a not so healthy diet. I remember the feeling after eating food that wasn’t nutritionally beneficial to me, and how it made me feel. It wasn’t good. As I slowly began to make small changes I noticed how I looked improved, and mainly how I felt improved greatly. As I’ve leaned more about artificial ingredients, and GMO’s I’ve made the switch to an Organic, balanced lifestyle. I’ve never felt better, and I’ll never look back!

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    Julie is incredibly positive, upbeat, and motivating! She also responds quickly if you have questions or concerns. I’ve had my moments of fear, and disappointment and Julie has helped to remind me that it’s a process.

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    Is there one? Maybe envy! I want Julie’s arms and shoulders!!

    Favorite 'diet' food:

    That’s hard…I love Beverly’s UMP. Hands down best tasting protein I’ve tried, and I’ve tried a lot. It’s versatile…I’ve made pancakes, cookies, breads etc.

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share

    Years ago I saw Julie in “Muscle and Fitness Hers” magazine and thought “WOW!  That’s what I want to look like!” At first I was skeptic of online training. I wasn’t sure if I’d have the motivation required to really push myself, on my own in the gym. With Julie, she provides the motivation, support, and inspiration to obtaining your goals. The workouts and meals are flexible, so not getting stuck with the same thing is a relief. It’s easier to stick to, and follow. I plan to continue working with Julie for a long time. It’s the best decision I’ve made for my health!

    Jackie wants to thank Nature’s Bakery
    for sponsoring her!

    Jackie Calvert Figure Competitor

    Jackie Calvert Figure Competitor


    Washington, PA

    I like seeing the changes!  Areas that I thought were my weakest are now my strongest.

    FITBODY Inspiration

    Jackie Calvert Figure Relaxed Pose

    Jackie Calvert

    Jackie Calvert Figure Competitor

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