Jenna Dunham

    Personal Information

    35 year old mother of 2 boys ages 5 and 1, and stepdaughter, age 10, and happily married for 6 years.  I have been a fitness instructor part time for the past 15 years and currently teach Pilates classes. I love running, kettlebells, and lifting weights. I also enjoy learning about alternative medicine and have been involved in the natural food/supplement industry for over 10 years.


    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Jenna Dunham Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Jenna Dunham Oxygen Magazine

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    I have lost 80 pounds, 30 pounds, and 70 pounds of gained weight during my pregnancies. This took anywhere from 3 to 9 months, but I totally transformed my body each time.


    Working with Julie and having support from family and friends. Also, I am a stubborn person and that has helped me dig in and not give up.

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    The way that it makes me feel, inside and out. It is a stress reliever, a mood booster, and a way of just clearing my head. It gives me energy and helps me feel and look younger.

    What are your fitness goals?

    I would one day like to compete in an Ironman. Aside from that, I would like to work on continuously improving on my running time and my physique.

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    My kids. I want to be a good example for them, first and foremost. Additionally, I want to be able to motivate and inspire other moms, and that keeps me on the right track.

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    Julie is one of the most sincere and caring people that I know. She really helps me to find a balance between fitness and real life. She doesn’t just care about getting to stage or winning, she wants us all to make this a lifestyle and make our diets and workouts part of every day life. Her food plans are for real people, she doesn’t restrict or give out unreasonable diets or workouts. They may not be easy, but they are balanced and tailored to fit personal situations and needs.

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    I just really can’t think of anything, and I laugh when I see that question!

    Favorite 'diet' food:

    4 oz ground turkey, 6 steamed asparagus spears, 1/2 small avocado. Mix together and voila! I love this quick and easy meal!
    I also love 2 scoops UMP, 1 tsp sugar free, fat free banana pudding mix, enough water or unsweetened almond milk to make a pudding, top with 1/4 cup crushed up Fiber One cereal and a little fat free redi whip. Banana Pudding!! So good!

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share

    I have been working with Julie for over 3 years. I can honestly say I could have never got back into shape after my babies without her support and guidance. She really does care, and is the best there is!!!


    Florence, KY

    I have lost 80 pounds, 30 pounds, and 70 pounds of gained weight during my pregnancies. This took anywhere from 3 to 9 months, but I totally transformed my body each time.  If I can do it, you can do it!

    FITBODY Inspiration


    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Jenna Dunham


    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Jenna Dunham Before

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Jenna Dunham

    Working with Julie

    I have been working with Julie for over 3 years. I can honestly say I could have never got back into shape after my babies without her support and guidance. She really does care, and is the best there is!!!

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