Annie Wright

    A positive attitude and persistence took Annie Wright from good to great!  Training and living a healthy FITBODY lifestyle helps Annie develop her incredible body, but more importantly, makes her feel amazing and energetic.  Check out how she does it…


    Burlington, KY

    Personal Information

    I am an outgoing, positive thinking, and energetic individual! During the day I work full time as a Project Manager for Fidelity Investment while during the evening you’ll most often find me at the gym. I truly enjoy lifting other people up with my personality and smile, but strongly protect my “me” time spent at the gym. If I’m not at work or at the gym, you’ll find me spending time with my family and close friends, getting into a project of some kind at the house, or simply enjoying any down time that may come my way!

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments?

    Competing . . . period! I started competing several years ago in Bikini with the help of Julie and just transitioned into Figure this year having just competed in my first Figure show. Having the drive, motivation, confidence, and mental/physical strength to tackle such a goal is personally rewarding; this is why I do it!

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    Throughout my various training programs, I’ve seen decreases in my body fat percent and have gained more muscle mass than I’ve ever had. I’m amazed with even the smallest changes and find myself loving the world of Figure more and more as I pick out “new” muscle or definition I’ve not seen before! Strength training has been such a major component to the new beginnings of my Figure progress. I LOVE spending time with weights to challenge my previous numbers and achieve new weight increments across my sets / reps.

    What do you enjoy the most about fitness?

    Seeing improvements in both my physical and mental health!

    What are your fitness goals?

    Continuous improvement.

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    I train and live this lifestyle for myself, because it makes me feel good and I enjoy the challenge. My other major motivator is Julie! She is such an inspirational person and truly cares about my progress and goals. Her compassion is so obvious in every face to face check in, phone conversation, or email message. Because of this, I never want to let her down!

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    What’s not to love?! Seriously! I love that she is always there for you, no matter what or where. She is your biggest support system, the best person to lend you an ear, the most understanding individual for anything life / training, and is always honest – this is the best part. Whether that honesty is “This check in is a great one and I love that you are seeing steady progress!” or a little needed tough love when she says “This does look in-line with the changes you have been making, although I would like to see you losing a bit more bodyfat with the nutrition changes we have made.” Sometimes I need a good kick in the butt and I truly appreciate that tough love when the moment calls for it!

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    The days she says I can’t have peanut butter because it’s show time . . . those are very sad days!!

    Favorite 'diet' food:

    I have to say giving up pancakes was pretty hard years ago, but Julie makes it easy with protein pancakes! 2 scoops of UMP, 3 egg whites, ¼ cup of dry oatmeal, 1 tsp of vanilla and just enough water to make a batter. Top the pancakes with sugar free syrup or fruit and you have a few slices of heaven for breakfast or dinner 😉

    Ultimate Muscle Protein Pancakes

    Any other comments

    I can’t say enough about how happy I am with the progress I’ve made throughout my training goals. It’s easy to say you can do anything, but making the time to accomplish those goals is the hard part. Having Julie by my side to check in with and overlook the process makes it effortless, easy, and a no brainer. I truly enjoyed my recent Fall Fitbody experience and have found my groove with Figure and met some really great women. I’m excited to see where even one more year of training takes me, let alone many years to come!

    Favorite Motivational Quote

    “Effort only fully releases its reward after one refuses to quit” – Napoleon Hill

    I train and live this lifestyle for myself, because it makes me feel good and I enjoy the challenge.

    FITBODY Inspiration

    Annie Wright 1

    Annie Wright 2

    Annie Wright 3

    Annie Wright and Julie Lohre

    Online Personal Training for Women Client – Annie Wright

    Working with Julie

    The best part of working with Julie Lohre is absolutely everything!  She motivate you, listens to you, is always upbeat and positive.  She challenges each individual to reach their goals in her Online Personal Training for Women Program.  I remember the first day I walked into her Team FITBODY meeting and she greeted not just me, but everyone with a big hug like she had known us forever.  I will continue to work with her.  I am confident with her behind me every step of the way. I will do and be something amazing!!!!

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