FITBODY Profiles

Healthy Pepperoni Pizza

    Lauren-Becker-NPC-Bikini-Team FITBODY\’s Lauren Becker knows that you don\’t have to completely avoid your “bad food” cravings.  Sometimes a girl just needs to eat a little pizza!  She created this Healthy Pizza Recipe and it is a great way to get your pizza fix without blowing your daily calorie intake in one sitting!  At 234 calories per pizza and with a healthy amount of protein, it fits nicely into a FITBODY Lifestyle!  (Calories and Macronutrient profile below.)  Thanks Lauren for sharing this amazing recipe!  

    Healthy Pizza


    Light Italian Flatout bread wrap

    1 1/4 oz Hormel turkey pepperoni

    1/2 cup fat free shredded mozzarella cheese

    1/4 cup tomato sauce

    + spinach, mushrooms, or whatever else you want to add…

    Directions:280 cals


    Place wrap on baking sheet and bake on 375 for 2 minutes.

    Spread sauce and toppings then bake for about 3-5 more minutes.

    Cut into slices and enjoy!!

    Makes 1 serving

    Nutrient Profile:

    Calories: 234

    Fat: 6.8 g

    Carbs: 21.3 g

    Fiber: 9.9 g

    Protein: 27.2 g

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