Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies


    1/3 cup (40g) Bob’s Red Mill Whole Grain Oat Flour (Gluten Free)

    1/8 cup (14g) Almond Meal Flour (finely ground)

    1 Scoop Vanilla Ultimate Muscle Protein 

    10g Chocolate Chips (I prefer Ghiradelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate)

    3 TBSP egg whites

    A bit of water


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

    Spray a  baking dish with a bit of Pam Baking Spray

    Mix dry ingredients together first, blend thoroughly and then add egg whites and water.  Mix until a thick batter.

    Spoon cookies onto baking sheet and bake for about 8-10 mins.  DO NOT OVERCOOK!  I actually like mine to be a little gooey in the middle so I go with 7 mins.  The last 2 mins are critical with these and they go from being not done to fluffing up and being just right

    Nutrition Breakdown

    2 Servings (3 cookies each)

    Calories:  218

    Protein:  18 g

    Carbs:  20 g

    Fiber:  4 g

    Fat: 8.5 g

    Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies

    Best Part:

    Sometimes, you just want a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie. The addition of almond meal in this recipe gives these cookies a brown sugary kind of goodness that most other protein cookie recipes lack. I dare you not to fall in love with these!!!

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