Rocky Road Banana Split


    6oz Plain 0% Greek Yogurt

    1 Scoop Beverly Rocky Road Ultimate Muscle Protein 

    1 scoop Beverly Provosyn

    1⁄4 cup water

    1 banana (you can leave this out for a lower carb option)

    2 strawberries

    1 T walnuts

    2 T Walden Farm’s Chocolate Syrup

    2 T Walden Farm’s Marshmallow Cream


    1) Combine yogurt, protein powder and water and place in
    freezer for 30 minutes to an hour. Make sure it is frozen enough to roll into ice cream scoops but not too hard.
    2) Slice banana and strawberries and place in serving dish.
    3) Place Rocky Road UMP Ice Cream balls into center of fruit.
    4) Drizzle with marshmallow cream and chocolate syrup and then sprinkle with walnuts.

    Nutrition Breakdown

    Calories: 452
    Protein: 48g
    Carbs: 35g / Fat: 12g

    I would suggest sharing this with a friend!

    Rocky Road Banana Split

    Best Part:

    A protein packed banana split is the perfect healthy indulgence!

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