Beverly No-Bake Protein Bars


    5 tbsp natural peanut butter (chunky or smooth) or almond or cashew butter

    ½ cup dry oat meal

    1 ½ cup oat flour (or double the dry oats)

    6 scoops Muscle Provider Chocolate

    1 tsp vanilla

    2 tbsp flax seeds (optional)

    1 cup non-fat dry milk

    ½ cup water


    Spray an 8-by-8 baking dish with Pam.
    Mix dry ingredients, then add peanut butter and mix. Add water and vanilla. Using a wooden spoon, mix until sticky dough forms. Spread into pan and refrigerate a few hours (or freeze for 1 hour) Cut into 9 or more squares. Wrap bars individually or store in covered container between sheets of wax paper.
    Keep refrigerated.
    Makes 9 bars, each 197 calories.
    You can add nuts for variety if you would like.  This recipe also works well with Ultimate Muscle Protein

    protein powder recipe no bake bars

    No Bake Protein Powder Bars

    Best Part:

    Perfect alternative to commercially made bars. YOU control the ingredients!!

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