FITBODY Profiles

Weighing food and counting calories forever?

    Weighing food and counting caloriesQ.  I hate weighing my food and counting calories… do I really have to do that???

    A.  Think you have to count calories and measure food for the rest of your life to have a fit and healthy body?  NO, you really don’t!  HOWEVER, when you are first getting started, it is critical that you know what you are putting in your body.  For most of us, that will mean being dedicated for some time to weighing, measuring and counting calories.  It means you need to specifically ask for your food to be prepared how you want it.  It might mean that you have to find ways to control your portions.  

    Our super-sized society has such a skewed view of what a proper portion is that most of us have to retrain our brains to understand how big they really should be.  That means you will need to pull out a scale, use those zipper bags and tupperware containers and take the time to think ahead about what you are eating.  Eventually you will be able to eyeball things and know how big a serving is.  You do not have to do this forever, but it is important that in the beginning you start strong and with the knowledge.   

    Long story short, know what you are putting into your body and take the time you need to LEARN what you are taking in.  Take control of your life and your body.  Every busy mom knows the importance of bring prepared and having food ready to go when you need it.  Not all of us have the luxury of taking extra time to cook each meal individually… 

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