Tayllor Green

    FITBODY Tayllor Green has transformed into the women she always wanted to be through focusing on her fitness efforts in Julie Lohre’s Online Personal Training Program for Women with the results naturally following.

    Personal Information

    Hometown: Houston, Texas

    I am a fitness instructing, dancing, kickboxing queen!

    What is your greatest fitness accomplishment so far?

    My greatest accomplishment is feeling like I actually know what I’m doing when I’m working out. I was never good at sports in school, and I always felt so awkward and uncoordinated whenever I did exercise in the past. Another huge thing for me is being able to run a mile without stopping!

    Transformation info - How much have you changed in what period of time. What things have most helped you make that transformation?

    In 2 years, I have evolved into a woman that I never knew existed within me. The physical changes are just a side effect of being healthy from the inside out. Taking things one day at a time, and focusing on the effort more than the results really kept me on the right track.

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?


    I love fitness because it has spilled into every aspect of my life. My life is so much better in every way since I started to put myself first.

    What are your fitness goals?

    Deadlift 225!

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    Life is so much easier when I’m taking care of myself!  There may be things I cant control in my life, but if I can control my body and mind, I can handle just about anything.

    What is the best part about working with Julie Lohre?

    Oh my goodness. For starters she is a phenomenal woman who embodies the lifestyle of health and wellness. Because of her, I know it’s possible to have a great life and still enjoy how I look. She has a vision for all of her clients. She knows your potential before you do! The food and workout plans are all personalized and reasonable. I make amazing progress every single month with her plans. She’s like the fitness guardian angel. I don’t know who, or where i would be without her!

    What is the worst part about working with Julie Lohre?


    What is your favorite clean eating food?

    Salmon, brown rice, and butter!

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share?

    “A jug fills drop by drop.” -Buddha

    “In 2 years I have evolved into a woman that I never knew existed within me. The physical changes are just a side effect of being healthy from the inside out.”

    FITBODY Inspiration - Tayllor Green

    Tayllor Green
    Online Personal Training
    Tayllor Green

    Tayllor Green

    Tayllor GreenTayllor Green – Online Personal Training Review

    Are you ready to take your fitness to a whole new level?
    In 2 training sessions, the average woman taking part in Julie Lohre’s Online Personal Training program DOUBLES the # of strict pushups she can do, decreases 1 mile run times by 2 mins, 30 seconds and increases their sit and reach flexibility by 3 inches.

    Results speak for themselves…
    Talk about stronger, faster & more flexible!

    Online Personal Training for Women

    Online Personal Training for Women

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