Mindy Ryan

    “It’s been four years since you and I changed my life.  Not with a “diet” or a continuous program but with life skills.  The things I learned from you will last me a lifetime.  It feels so good to be comfortable in my own skin, to feel confident wearing a bikini at the beach surrounded by the 30 somethings, to actually feel physically good because I make smart food choices.  I’m glad I found you Julie.  You taught me balance.  I’m proud to be maintaining a 35lb weight loss… and now it’s almost easy.”


    I was 44 years old and at an all-time high of 177 pounds. I saw a picture of myself that hit me like a train.  I felt old, out of shape and very uncomfortable.  I was so stiff I could barely get my socks on in the morning.

    After one full year of following Julie’s training and nutrition plan I’ve lost a solid 35 lbs.
    I’ve gone from a size 14 to a size 6.  I haven’t felt this comfortable in clothes since I was 12 years old!  I have worked with Julie for 2 years now and am continually impressed at what I have accomplished!

    Now I bounce out of bed at 4:45 AM, 5 days a week.  I love to work out!  Julie always keeps it interesting and believe it or not, fun!  (Although sometimes while struggling through an exercise I say to myself, who on earth came up with this one?!)

    I did not think I was a typical Julie Lohre client.  In her very first email Julie made it clear to me that her programs were designed for someone who has experience in the gym…I had no experience in the gym, at all.  So I needed to learn the lifting techniques using the internet and Julie’s guidance.   Julie of course was always available to answer my specific questions, always.  But the most daunting part of the program for me was the food, I spent hours in the kitchen preparing meals.  So when I started out I was overwhelmed with both the diet and the exercise routines.

    Now I have a routine in the gym and the kitchen.  I actually crave vegetables, I can’t live without my UMP pancakes and I have no problem drinking a diet coke when everyone else is having a cocktail.

    My only goal is to look and feel great for the rest of my life.

    I still haven’t stepped foot in a gym.  I do all of my strength training at home with dumbbells, bands and balls.

    This last year has not been easy.  I’ve cried and I’ve moaned but I never gave up.  Julie is truly inspiring and she made me believe that I could do it.

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Mindy Ryan


    Laurel, New York

    My only goal is to look and feel great for the rest of my life.  I still haven’t stepped foot in a gym.  I do all of my strength training at home with dumbbells, bands and balls.

    This last year has not been easy.  I’ve cried & I’ve moaned but I never gave up.  Julie is truly inspiring and she made me believe that I could do it.

    FITBODY Inspiration


    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Mindy Ryan

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Mindy Ryan

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