Michele Lehman

    From good to WOW, Michele Lehman added muscle, lost fat and feels better at 48 than she did at 28!  “I’m healthy, energetic, injury free and able to give my best to my family and others.”

    Personal Information

    Hometown: Dayton, OH

    I am married to Andy and am the mom of two amazing girls, Lexie (10) and Jackie (8).

    What is your greatest fitness accomplishment so far?

    My greatest fitness accomplishment is feeling as good as I do at 48 years old!   I’m healthy, energetic, injury free and able to give my best to my family and others.  Physically, I continue to get stronger and leaner….which is so important as I continue to age.  Health and fitness are  a big part of our family.   Last year, my husband and I landed on two fitness goals.  He would train for a half-Ironman (which he completed in September at 52 years old)  and I would participate in Julie Lohre’s fitness photo shoot.  Our journeys show  it’s possible to reach new health and fitness heights at any age!

    Transformation info - How much have you changed in what period of time. What things have most helped you make that transformation?

     I’ve always participated in sports and love athletics.  As a result, I’ve been in “decent” shape my adult life.  I started training online with Julie Lohre in July 2015.  She has completely changed my body composition!  The best part is the change and lifestyle are SUSTAINABLE!

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

      I love working toward a goal!  The discipline, hard work and focus positively impact  all areas of my life.  Fitness is a hobby for Andy and me…but not an obsession.  Our focus on health and discipline is great for our young daughters.   Lexie and Jackie are growing up with a focus on living a healthy lifestyle, as opposed to hearing about  diets, calories or weight.

    What are your fitness goals?

    My current fitness goals are to increase my flexibility, agility and strength.  I would also love to see Julie Lohre at her next online client photo shoot!  😉  Lastly, I hope my fitness journey will inspire and encourage women of any age to improve their health.

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    Living a healthy lifestyle helps me be my best spiritually, mentally and physically.   My priorities are clear….God, Andy, my family and serving others.

    What is the best part about working with Julie Lohre?

    Julie Lohre’s  plans are unlike any nutritional/workout plans I’ve had in the past.  I eat a wide variety of clean foods (healthy fats, protein, complex carbs, fruits and vegetables).  My workouts are always varied and include stretching, different forms strength training and cardio.    They work perfectly with my lifestyle and I work out around my schedule so it doesn’t interfere with my family or work.   It’s also great to know Julie is simply an email away!

    What is the worst part about working with Julie Lohre?

    There is nothing I’d change about working with Julie! 

    What is your favorite clean eating food?

    Anything with Beverly’s Chocolate UMP!

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share?

    If I can do this, anyone can!   This scripture is a great reminder and motivator:   “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline”  2 Timothy 1:7


    If I can do this, anyone can!   This scripture is a great reminder and motivator:   “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline”  2 Timothy 1:7

    FITBODY Inspiration - Michele Lehman

    Michele Lehman
    Online Personal Training
    Michele Lehman

    Michele Lehman

    Julie Lohre and Michele LehmanJulie Lohre and Michele Lehman

    Are you ready to take your fitness to a whole new level?
    In 2 training sessions, the average woman taking part in Julie Lohre’s Online Personal Training program DOUBLES the # of strict pushups she can do, decreases 1 mile run times by 2 mins, 30 seconds and increases their sit and reach flexibility by 3 inches.

    Results speak for themselves…
    Talk about stronger, faster & more flexible!

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    Online Personal Training for Women

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