Julie Lohre in the Press

Mandy McAvoy

    Bikini Champion Mandy McAvoy has made incredible changes heading into her first Bikini Competition but … that aside, she says “I am so proud of all that my body can do.  It is strong AND sexy. I can still run hill sprints and flip tires with the best of them. Every day I look forward to seeing what I can accomplish next.”


    Portland, OR

    Personal Information

    I’m 24 years old, I work for Apple and am currently going to school for Exercise Science. I have always been active with 12 years of swimming, 5 years of cheer and 2 years of volleyball under my belt. I was training for a triathlon in 2012 until I severely strained my ankle. Although I had been lifting weights for several years, the physical therapy for my ankle got me interested in weight training with a specific goal in mind. This is where the thought of doing a bikini competition came into play. After lots of research I could see that I needed some guidance and that is when I found Julie!

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    I ran a half marathon in 2 hours and 10 minutes in 2010.

    I competed in my first bikini competition in June 2014, the NANBF Columbia Classic. I placed 1st in Bikini Open, won Best Bikini Poser, and placed 2nd in Bikini Novice Tall.

    Transformation info – How much have you changed in what period of time?
    In 10 weeks I lost 6 pesky pounds, 3 inches off my waist and got down to 13% body fat.  Aesthetics aside, I am so proud of all that my body can do. It is strong AND sexy. I can still run hill sprints and flip tires with the best of them. Every day I look forward to seeing what I can accomplish next.

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    Pushing past my goals and seeing how much farther I can go. The mental aspect of fitness is incredible. Living a fit lifestyle is a daily choice, yes it becomes easier over time, but for me there are definitely constant challenges that I have to overcome daily. Conquering my fears through fitness increases my confidence and helps me excel in every aspect of my life.

    What are your fitness goals?

    Keep growing physically and mentally. I will be competing more. I want to continue to build muscle in order to bring my best physique to the stage every time. Other goals would be to complete a triathlon and do the Tough Mudder or Spartan Race. I eventually want to guide others on their fitness journeys as a personal trainer.

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    When I work out, I feel fabulous. It is not only the endorphins, being active and eating well strengthens my immune system, relieves pain and clears my mind. I also strive to be an inspiration to others. I don’t just talk the talk, I walk the walk and my friends and family can attest to that!

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    She sees your goals just as clearly as you do. She tailors the training plans specifically to your needs and helps you get the results you want!

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    That we couldn’t meet in person because we live in different states!

    What is you favorite healthy food?

    Beverly Internationals Ultimate Muscle Protein – UMP Goo mixed with peanut butter.

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share?

    A favorite quote of mine is, “Do one thing everyday that scares you and pretty soon you’ll be fearless!” Keep striving for whatever it is you desire. You are stronger than you think and your body is capable of more than you know. Always believe that you can and will accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to, you are unstoppable!

    You are stronger than you think and your body is capable of more than you know. Always believe that you can and will accomplish whatever it is you set your mind to, you are unstoppable!

    Mandy McAvoy

    Mandy McAvoy Bikini Stage

    Mandy McAvoy Bikini Champion

    Photographer: Richard Olson

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