FITBODY Profiles

Say cheese…a great tip for keeping track of your food

    Being in a good habit of keeping track of your food can be a tremendous help when trying to maintain healthy eating habits or during a weight loss regimen.  That said, we’re all very busy, but not to busy to take a quick photo with your phone.

    keeping track of your food

    Julie Lohre's FITBODY Training Log Journal

    If you are too busy to track your meals throughout the day, try this, take a quick snapshot of your food with your mobile phone before you eat.

    Then, take 5 or 10 minutes in the evening to go through your photos and track what you ate…calories, carbs, protein.

    It’s a great way to stay on track.

    Log them in a notebook, app or use our
    FITBODY  Training and Nutrition logs!

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