Julie Lohre in the Press

Katherine White

    Personal Information

    I am a 23 year old student, friend, and sister. I grew up in an extremely small town where all we had were sports to keep us entertained. Naturally I clinged to athletics, playing basketball since age 3 and running track in high school. After graduating I played one year of college basketball before deciding to hang up the jersey. Although I stayed active, it drove me absolutely insane not competing in something. This is when I got in contact with Julie. Three months later I had completely transformed my body and competed in my first bikini competition.

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    So far I have only competed in one show – the NPC Kentucky Derby.  In that one show I placed 1st in my class in collegiate bikini, 2nd overall collegiate bikini, and 4th in my class in novice bikini. This was the greatest feeling ever because it was such a big show! Also, during my fitbody journey to my 1st show I managed to stay the same weight but lose over 5% in body fat. Some may not see this as much, but it was one of my goals.



    I did lose over 5% body fat and gain some much needed lean muscle, but I don\’t even really look at that honestly.  I can see my body changing daily, but what keeps me going is how much better I feel.  That along with having the support of great friends and teammates is definitely a motivational factor for me.  It\’s always nice to have someone there that will push you that extra inch.

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    How great I feel after a workout!  Having goals and challenging myself to reach them!

    What are your fitness goals?

    To call myself an IFBB Pro!

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    The thought of looking in a mirror and not feeling like I gave everything I had the day before!  I may not be better at what I do than someone else, but as long as I can say that I am better than I was yesterday, I\’ll be happy!

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    She is an inspiration!  She is motivating in a non pushy way!  Julie is good at what she does and is just one of those people that light up a room as soon as they walk into it!

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    Because Julie is so good at what she does, she is in high demand. The worst thing about working with Julie is that I can\’t see her every single day! (: Oh, and the fact that no matter how long I practice posing, she can always do it better than me. FLAWLESSLY!

    Favorite 'diet' food:

    Julie\’s AMAZING Protein Cookies!

    NPC Bikini Front Pose Katherine White

    NPC Bikini Competitor Katherine White


    Sandy Hook, KY

    “The moment you decide to give up is the moment right before the miracle!”  Anyone can give up on you, but don’t ever give up on yourself!  Make the decision to be your own hero!

    FITBODY Inspiration

    NPC Bikini Competitor Katherine White

    NPC Bikini Competitor Katherine White

    Julie Lohre Katherine White

    NPC Bikini Competitor Katherine White

    Working with Julie

    Julie is an inspiration!  She is motivating in a non pushy way!  Julie is good at what she does and is just one of those people that light up a room as soon as they walk into it!


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