Julie Lohre in the Press

Kalyn Friddle – Cover Model Update

    We caught up with our FITBODY News Cover Model Kayln Friddle for an update on where she is now and what is happening in her life.  Her is what she had to say…

    Kalyn FriddleAlthough it was been a bit since stepping on stage in my last show in April of 2014, I have really been embracing the FITBODY lifestyle through traveling around the country for work and personal travel all while learning that you can stay fit and healthy on the road. I have also been trying my hand at some new fitness activities! One of my favorites is skiing! Once you get over the fear of falling or running into a tree you realize wow this is a pretty good workout. I am also so thrilled to be recently engaged to my boyfriend of 5 years! I am looking forward to learning and showing others that you can enjoy the process of wedding planning all while staying on track with your nutrition / fitness goals. I am also super excited to be working behind the scenes more at shows with Liquid Sunrayz Tanning helping competitors putting the finishing touches on all their hard work.

    Words of wisdom:
    One of my favorite quotes:

    Slow down
    Calm down
    don’t worry
    don’t hurry
    trust the process
    ~ Alexanra Stoddard~

    I love this quote because so many times we get caught up in rushing the process of fitness and other aspects of life (looking for a quick fix) but when we really take the time to slow down, calm down, not worry, not hurry and just enjoy and trust the process we will see everything eventually fall into place while learning what works for you and your lifestyle and seeing each of your goals eventually met. I encourage everyone to step out of their fitness comfort zone try a new fitness activity it may be a bit intimidating at first but you never know if you can do something until you try!


    A few things that help me stay on track while on the go:
    1. Make small goals for each week.
    2.  I always have a few scoops of my Beverly International Ultimate Muscle Protein on hand while out just in case I get hungry I have something healthy on hand.
    3. I also always have my blender bottle with me so I remember to get my water in though out the day. I also love to add some MIO flavoring to my water to change it up a bit.

    Kalyn Friddle Team FITBODY

    Kalyn Friddle Team FITBODY


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