Julie’s UMP Protein Brownie


    2 scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein

    A little bit of water or coffee (maybe 1/8c)

    Optional: 4-5 crushed walnuts or almonds


    Mix Ultimate Muscle Protein with water or coffee and nuts (if on your plan) in a small microwaveable bowl (plastic seems to be best) until the powder is moist and make a very thick batter. Microwave for about 40 seconds until the cake rises. Top with 1/2 cup berries and enjoy!

    Protein Brownie

    Best Part:

    I eat this so much that they had no choice but to name it after me. I also have a cute little blue plastic bowl that I used just for this meal. Be sure not to overcook it though, or you will have a really hard cake on your hands : ) So simple!

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