Julie Lohre in the Press

Julie Lohre’s Advanced Tricep Workout

    Jamie Allenbaugh Bikini Competitor

    Want amazing toned arms?  Time to target the Triceps!  Many women have trouble with the back of their arms, that relatively large muscle group know as the triceps which account for two thirds of your upper arms.  This area in particular seems to sag and lose shape quickly.  Strength training will help improve your overall muscle tone to give you tighter, firmer arms all over. 

    I have put together these advanced supersets for women serious about strengthening the tricep area and getting killer arms.   Research has shown that the most effective exercises for the triceps are functional movements like Tricep Pushups and Bench Dips.   I have combined these larger movements with smaller, more focused exercises to max out the muscle.  Combine these moves with a solid diet and well-rounded exercises plan and you really can achieve a fitter and more toned arms!

     Julie’s Advanced Tricep Super Sets – Do 10-15 reps of each exercise in a row with no rest in between.  Once you have completed one set of both exercises in the super set rest for 1-2 mins and stretch your triceps.  Include these supersets 2-3 times a week along with your regular weekly full body training routine.

    Super Set 1

    Tricep Push-ups: 12 reps

    Cable Pressdowns: 15 reps

    Super Set 2

    Bench Dips with feet elevated:  15 reps

    Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks: 12 reps

    Super Set 3

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