Julie Lohre in the Press

Jessie King

    Personal Information

    I am a 24 years old, hair stylist and makeup artist, 2 1/2 year old son, obsessed with sports, fashion, and fitness

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    To compete in my first show May 10th!!  In the last year I have lost 35 lbs and gone from 34% body fat down to 14%!


    Sticking to a great meal plan from Julie and working out consistently!

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    Challenging my strength and seeing great results!!

    What are your fitness goals?

    To compete until I can\’t anymore and to kick some serious butt doing it!!

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    My Fitbody team and my awesome fit mother!

    Jessie & Darlene

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    Motivation in the sweetest way and the Fitbody Team!!  If you fall off the wagon or see poor results, she helps you and never makes you feel bad about yourself.

    Favorite 'diet' food:

    UMP Protein Pancakes

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share

    I want to thank Julie for all the awesome help and motivation she has given me!! I plan to work with Julie for years to come!! Shes too awesome!!


    Cincinnati, OH

    In the last year I have lost 35 lbs,  got down to 14% body fat and still losing!!

    FITBODY Inspiration

    NPC Bikini Competitor & Mom Jessie King

    NPC Bikini Competitor & Mom Jessie King

    Working with Julie

    I want to thank Julie for all the awesome help and motivation she has given me!! I plan to work with Julie for years to come!! Shes too awesome!!


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