FITBODY Profiles

FITBODY Mother Daughter Duos

    Most women make the decision to get a tight FITBODY mainly so they can look and feel great personally.  But getting fit and healthy does not have to be an individual endeavor.  More often than not, the women I work with tell me that they are approached all the time by friends, coworkers and even family members who want to get in better shape and notice the changes they are making.   The quote “Actions Speak Louder Than Words” is so very true!  When you take the time to workout, when you prepare your food for the days ahead, when you make great choices… others notice.  As a mom myself, I can think of few things as rewarding as seeing your child follow in your healthy living footsteps.

    Over the years I have been blessed to work with some amazing mother-daughter duos and their long term results are always better than if either had pursued this lifestyle independently.  In honor of Mothers Day, check out three of my favorite FITBODY mother-daughter duos who show us that being a good example can really run in the family!

    Jessie & Darlene

    Darlene Barrett & Jessie King

    This mother-daughter duo is the epitome of support!  Darlene Barett and Jessie King are wonderful examples of keeping health and fitness in the family!  Mom, Darlene follows a vegan lifestyle and stays fit and active year round!  She weight trains, bikes and works out 5+ times a week.  Darlene has a knack for coming up with amazing new recipes that her family loves.  Daughter Jessie, is not just one of the most fashionable and stylish women I know, she is an incredibly hard working mom herself with a 2 year old son.  Jessie has changed her body significantly since having her son going from 34% body fat post baby down to 14%!  Congrats Darlene & Jessie!!!

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Felicia Ferguson

     Janice Ferguson and Felicia Ferguson

    “Sculpted at 70” is the goal that Janice Ferguson came to me with when she was considering competing in Figure.  Not only did she achieve her goal of defining her physique and successfully competing, she inspired her daughter Felicia Ferguson to make great changes too!  Felicia notes that “I love the way I feel now.  Eating clean (with fruits!) has provided me tons of energy.”  These two love, laugh and train together.  They have a special relationship that it is hard to put into words.

    Janice is a special soul who lights up a room and makes friends with everyone she meets.  As faith driven woman and former college professor she loves sharing her wisdom.  As Janice likes to say, “There’s absolutely NOTHING you can’t do in life as long as it’s legal, moral, preferably low fat, and FUN!!!”  What a great mom to have!

    Gloria & Kayleigh Switzer

    Gloria Switzer & Kayleigh Switzer

    All of her life, Gloria Switzer battled with weight, body image and self-confidence issues. At her heaviest, she weighed 230LBS.  While she was already heading down the road toward better health and fitness when she began working with me, Gloria says, ” It wasn’t until I completed the 12 week FITBODY program with Julie that I started to understand that being fit is not only about looking better but it’s about feeling better.”  In that 12 weeks, she transformed her body going from 31% body fat down to 23%, gaining muscle and losing body fat throughout the process!  Her daughter Kayleigh decided to follow mom\’s lead and not just got into her personal best shape, but successfully competed in Figure!

    “I have changed on the inside too.” says Switzer.   “My outlook on not only fitness but life as well has changed for the better.  I’m not embarrassed about going out in public, I’m not afraid of the “guys side” of the gym and I don’t fear what the future may hold.  For the first time in my life I’m truly happy of who I am and where I am.”

    Happy Mother\’s Day to the amazing moms who love us and lead by example everyday!


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