Carrie Weisbecker

    Personal Information

    I am a 29 years old woman from the small town of Okeana, OH. I manage an outpatient rehab gym and work as an occupational therapist. I went to Bluffton University for undergraduate school and played softball there 4 years then went off to Ohio State for graduate school.

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    I just competed in my very first show, the NPC Derby Classic and won my class in Bikini!!!

    Carrie Weisbecker Top 5 NPC Bikini


    My confidence level!  I have made dramatic changes in body fat and weight loss these past 3 months but above all of those numbers I\’ve grown to love my body and more importantly accept my body for the way it is.

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    The post workout adrenaline rush. Waking up and feeling wonderful- like you can take on anything. Feeling strong and healthy and focused every day.

    What are your fitness goals?

    To maintain this new lifestyle and continue to learn to cook in a more healthy manner.  Healthy eating CAN be delicious.  (seriously)

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    As healthy as I feel now after maintaining a very healthy lifestyle these past few months makes me never want to go back.   I\’m not saying I won\’t enjoy wings and a cold beer every now and again, but I have found new ways to make delicious healthy meals that I was totally oblivious to before.  My level of confidence has grown tremendously and I see a difference in my focus at work and my drive towards accomplishing other goals as well.

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    Her support!  She\’s offered incredible support and constant encouragement.  Her feedback is always uplifting and motivating and she pushes you to continue even when it gets tough and discouraging.  I hit a road block a few weeks in and stopped seeing changes.  She changed up a few things with my nutrition plan, but really it was the uplifting words I received that drove me to dig deep and continue on.

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    She never frowns!   ha

    Favorite 'diet' food:

    UMP protein pancakes with a side of turkey bacon:)

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share

    Just that I\’ve had an incredible experience.  Growing up as a “chubby kid” I\’ve never lead a very healthy lifestyle and struggled with self confidence.  I accepted this challenge 3 months ago and joined Team Fitbody as my new years resolution: to do something completely outside my comfort level, to push myself to new levels, and to take on something I never would have even considered.  (And believe me strutting around on stage in a bikini and 4″ high heels is the last place I\’d ever thought I\’d find myself).  I\’ve been on and off diets now for years; tried quick fad diets, crazy cleanses, and various weight loss supplements in feign attempts at achieving a “perfect body”.  But it wasn\’t a diet I needed, but a lifestyle change.  I learned that staring at a scale every a.m. for validation of beauty and acceptance was that last place to look. I\’ve learned that I may not have control over what occurs in my life or the other people in it but I can control me, what I put in my mouth, and how I choose to live.  To learn to love yourself in an image-obsessed society is incredibly freeing!

    NPC Derby Carrie WeisbeckerNPC Derby Carrie WeisbeckerCarrie Weisbecker Bikini Back Pose


    NPC Bikini Competitor Carrie Weisbecker


    Cincinnati, OH

    I have made dramatic changes in body fat and weight loss these past 3 months but above all of those numbers I’ve grown to love my body and more importantly accept my body for the way it is.

    FITBODY Inspiration

    Carrie Weisbecker NPC Bikini

    Carrie Weisbecker FITBODY Training

    Carrie Weisbecker

    Working with Julie

    Growing up as a “chubby kid” I\’ve never lead a very healthy lifestyle and struggled with self confidence.  I accepted this challenge 3 months ago and joined Team Fitbody as my new years resolution: to do something completely outside my comfort level, to push myself to new levels, and to take on something I never would have even considered.  (And believe me strutting around on stage in a bikini and 4″ high heels is the last place I\’d ever thought I\’d find myself).  I\’ve been on and off diets now for years; tried quick fad diets, crazy cleanses, and various weight loss supplements in feign attempts at achieving a “perfect body”.  But it wasn\’t a diet I needed, but a lifestyle change.  I learned that staring at a scale every a.m. for validation of beauty and acceptance was that last place to look. I\’ve learned that I may not have control over what occurs in my life or the other people in it but I can control me, what I put in my mouth, and how I choose to live.  To learn to love yourself in an image-obsessed society is incredibly freeing!

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