Bess Byron

    Personal Information

    I just turned 48 and I am in the best shape of my life!!  I got married in the fall of 2011 and my husband and I live on a 300 acre farm.  Our cattle and horses keep me very busy!!  I have ridden horses all my life and have competed in local horse shows.  I discovered Zumba a couple of years ago and I love it!!!  It makes my cardio fun!!  I also am a certified fitness trainer.

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    More muscles and less bodyfat!!!!

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    Lots………..the feeling I get when I can lift more weight!!  I love feeling strong! Strength comes in handy on my farm!!  I enjoy seeing how much my body has improved, that gives me a such sense of pride!!!  I also enjoy my Zumba classes, they don’t feel like exercise!!!

    What are your fitness goals?

    To be in a bikini competition!!  I want women in their 40’s and 50’s to realize they can stay young and be healthy with exercise and a good diet!

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    I am at an age where it is very important to take care of myself.  I want to be healthy and look great as long as I can.  Caring for horses and a large farm requires me to be my healthy best!

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    RESULTS!!!! Julie’s programs work!!!

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    Hhmmmm………….I don’t think there is a worst part!!!!

    Favorite 'diet' food:

    I am lucky I love my diet!!  I must say the best part is my Beverly UMP!!!  I could eat nothing but UMP all day for a week and never get tired of it!  I just can’t decide which is my favorite flavor!!!

    Any other comments or anything else you would like to share

    Julie has been a true joy to work with!!  I know all of her clients feel the same way!!  She cares about us all and really knows her stuff!!  I am so thankful I found out about her because she is responsible for my fitness success!!  Being a part of her Fitbody Team has been such a rewarding part of my journey!!  I have met some amazing women and I know I have made some lifelong friendships!!!


    Owingsville, Ky

    I just turned 48 and I am in the best shape of my life!!  I want women in their 40’s and 50’s to realize they can stay young and be healthy with exercise and a good diet!

    FITBODY Inspiration

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Bess Byron

    Julie Lohre FITBODY Profile Bess Byron

    Working with Julie

    Through the online training, Julie has shown much concern and passion towards my needs and concerns.  She is quick to respond and has listened on so many occasions through my ups and downs.

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