FITBODY Profiles

Amy Lost 14% Bodyfat in 5 Months despite Gluten & Soy Allergies

    Some people might assume that getting the body of their dreams and competing in a Bikini competition would be impossible after finding out that they are have food allergies. Not Amy Contreras! When she found out that she had extreme allergies to gluten, soy and a few other foods, she decided she had to make a change. Diet changes, workout changes… why not give competition a try! Amy did more than give it a try!  Being located in California, she began my Online Contest Prep Training Program.  In 5 months, she went from good to WOW with a whole lot of hard work and dedication.

    Amy says, “I have changed so much through the 5 months of my transformation! Setting a big goal like competing was truly my biggest gift. I did this solely for the purpose of competing against myself. My faith grew stronger because I was the only one that was going to make a difference day in and day out. Now I feel like I can do anything!”

    In five months, Amy went from 31% bodyfat to 17% and walked on stage at the NPC San Diego Border States in amazing condition!

    Amy Lost 14% Bodyfat in 5 Months

    despite Gluten & Soy Food Allergies

    She placed 5th at this huge Bikini competition and is now maintaining her conditioning year round.  At our last check in – 4 months after her bikini show – Amy was maintaining 2-3 lbs from her competition weight, eating a well balanced diet with plenty of calories and working out consistently, but not insanely!

    Amy Contreras Before & After

    Congratulations Amy!!!

    Read more about Amy Contreras in her FITBODY Profile here.

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