Alison Feinauer

    First time Figure Competitor Alison Feinauer transformed her body losing over 15 inches and 13 lbs to achieve her dream of competing in Figure!

    Personal Information

    I am 35 years old and married to my amazing and supportive husband, Keith, for 12 years.  We have a 4 year old son and 2 incredible bonus (step) kids that are 21 and 18 years old.  I work in the IT field.  I love running, lifting heavy, eating super clean. I am in love with living fit.

    What are your greatest fitness accomplishments so far?

    It has always been a dream of mine to compete in a figure competition.  I felt like this year – it was time to pursue the dream full on! I felt like God planted that dream inside of me and gave me courage to pursue it.  I competed at the NGA Natural Peoria Championships in Illinois in Figure.  It was a dream come true.  It is amazing how much discipline and dedication it takes to compete.  I loved every minute of it!


    I have changed so much in the last 6 months.  I’ve lost a total of 15.75 inches and 13 lbs.  What’s been amazing is that the parts of body that I struggled with the most – my hips and booty finally changed!  They are a different shape – it’s amazing the power of the right food and working out have over your body.  I would have to say that consistency, staying focused on a goal, and being held accountable by Julie have been the most impactful things for me.  It’s up to you to motivate yourself day in and day out, whether it’s looking at pinterest, magazines, new Personal Best’s, anything you can do to stay inspired and focused is key!

    What do you enjoy most about fitness?

    I’ve learned with this journey that there are 6 aspects that are critical for overall fitness and health. Sleep, Water, Stretching, Nutrition, Training, and Spiritual disciplines (prayer, worship, and devotions).  I’ve added the spiritual disciplines because I believe that if you don’t include the Lord in your health, you will always be left dry and never feeling like you are enough.  God has a way of letting us know we are enough no matter what the circumstances.  If you incorporate all of those, you will succeed.  With one of those off balance you will not succeed – guaranteed!

    What are your fitness goals?

    My goals are to continue on the fit journey, whether that includes competing again or not, I’m not sure.  I just want to be able to live this lifestyle all the time.  I want to eat clean, work out 6 days a week, changing up my workouts to keep it fun, continue running races with my daughter, I want to be able to play with my 4 year old and have great energy for all the things that are ahead of me.  I would also love to encourage others on this journey and help them accomplish their goals, through encouragement, sharing experience, or just motivating them.

    What motivates you to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

    I know that being the best me – physically, mentally, and spiritually will help me fulfill the roles I have in this life – wife, mom, employee, friend, etc. That is what motivates and empowers ​me.  I also that our bodies are a gift from God.  It’s our responsibility to take care of them. I know if I give into unhealthy things they leave me feeling lethargic, overly – emotional, drained, out of control, short-tempered and lonely.  Living fit gives me energy, strength, good rest, joy, self-control, and lots more benefits.  So either way you look at it – I have a choice – I choose complete health!

    What is the best part about working with Julie?

    I would have to say the accountability.  I love having the 2-week accountability and motivation to see results.  Julie is always encouraging.  The other thing is that she is honest.  I completely trust her because she’s not afraid to give me hard truth – in a loving way of course, but she tells me what I need to hear.  When I was in contest prep, I was going on a vacation so she helped me get ready for that, let me have some indulgences while I was there, and then helped me get right back in the game.  I love being on the team – she really made sure we were taken care of and included.  Julie was right there through email with every question I had, she celebrated small and big victories with me!!!  You cannot go wrong having her as a coach!!

    What is the worst part about working with Julie?

    Nothing – I wouldn’t change anything about her!

    Favorite 'diet' food:

    UMP Vanilla and cashew butter, mix a little together and you have a cookie dough to die for!!




    Covington, KY

    Our bodies are a gift from God.  It’s our responsibility to take care of them.  Living fit gives me energy, strength, good rest, joy, and self-control!

    FITBODY Inspiration

    Alison Feinauer Figure Competitor

    Alison Feinauer Figure Competitor

    Alison Feinauer Figure Competitor

    Figure Competitor Alison Feinauer

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