Julie Lohre in the Press

FITBODY 20 min, Do Anywhere, Fat Blasting Workout

    Tight on time? The FITBODY 20 min, Do Anywhere, Fat Blasting Workout I have for you today should help. If you are feeling blah about your current workout, feel free to add in this one in place of one of your usual workout session. It will really spice things up.

    Stuck inside??? This is a great way to get your heart pumping and will definitely keep you from getting bored. The only thing you need is a set or two of dumbbells that challenge you. I like to have a set of 15’s and 25’s. With those two weights, I can make most any move tough. Feel free to vary the amount of weight you use based on your specific needs.

    Note: Forget the reps! With this workout, I want you to do each rep with good form at a pace that keeps you moving and challenged. So no need to worry about counting reps.

    Continue the exercise for the time prescribed. Do your best not to rest between sets.

    • 45 seconds Jumping Jacks
    • 45 seconds Run in Place
    • 45 seconds Skipping
    • Repeat
    • Stretch all body parts.
    Do these seven exercises in order without resting then repeat the circuit.  Use the heaviest weight you safely can.
    1. Pushups – 45 seconds
    2. Weighted Walking Lunges – 45 seconds
    3. Weighted Crunches – 45 seconds
    4. Deadlift – 45 seconds
    5. Bent Over Rows – 45 seconds
    6. Abdominal Bicycle – 45 seconds
    7. Overhead DB Press – 45 seconds
    Julie Lohre

    Julie Lohre

    Bent Over Dumbbell RowBent Over



    DB Forward Lunge

    Weighted Walking

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