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Bikini Front Pose

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    Now that you have read the initial information in my Fit Body Bikini Posing Guide, it is time to take on the mandatory bikini poses.

    Bikini Posing Guide: Front Pose

    With all of the bikini poses, you have endless options on how you can stand.  That said, there are 3 stances in particular that look best for most women bodies.  Below I have photos on the bikini front pose that demonstrate these specifically.  The first bikini front pose is the one with your feet just wider than shoulder width and your torso facing front.  In this front pose, you generally want to push your hips to one side and twist your waist as hard as possible to the side stage.  It is important to maintain your shoulders in a forward position with all of the bikini front poses.  The idea here is the you are twisting hard at the waist and making your hips look as small as possible in comparison to your waist.

    The second popular bikini front pose stance is to twist your hips and feet to one side while lifting the glutes and slightly bending one knee. You can see below in the photo of IFBB Bikini Champion Angelica Teixeira this type of bikini front pose shows off her incredibly shapely legs and glutes while making her waist look super small.

    The third pose I want to mention in this bikini posing guide is a front pose where you have your feet together with one knee bent and crossing in front of your body. If you tend to be smaller, this can be a strong pose for you.

    Ready to get started toward the Bikini Stage?

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